Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tell me what you want to see or read

I have a calandar on this website, however it isn't very active as yet. I am looking for ideas for something called Flash Fiction. tell me what you want to read, what you might like to see me try. Flash Fiction is a short story with the beginning, the middle and the end in as little as 250 words or as much as 3000 words. I was hoping that my fans, friends and family might help me out to get that part of my blog up and running. I hope to place a Flash Fiction story on my blog each Saturday, BUT, I need to know what you would like me to try my hand at. So please, whether you comment on this blog or go to the Forum's on the website to let me know what you want to see me write, leave a comment, help me get my Flash Fiction Day started. I look forward to what you all might

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