Thursday, May 31, 2012

Enjoy Author Avril Ashton and her upcoming release - Far From The Usual

Welcome Avril Ashton to my blog, she has an upcoming release from Evernight Publishing, and would like to introduce it to my readers now. Give her a good welcome.

What is it with us authors and our weirdness? I don’t think there’s anybody as eccentric out there as an author. Writing rituals, hermitude (is that a word?) and just all around craziness.
All right. So maybe I shouldn’t paint everyone with my own crazy brush, right? But let’s talk about me, my crazy. Yes, I own it. I welcome it. That’s what we gotta do, embrace the cray-cray.
I have no memory.
Omg, what? Yep. I can’t remember a damn thing. Well, sure, you say it happens to all of us sometime. No. You don’t understand. My mind done gone crazy, y’all! Now I know you’re wondering if it’s age. Mayybee. Although, isn’t it a tad early?
Forget the memory thing. Let’s talk about my inability to be in the same room with people for longer than two seconds. Mr. A and the kid I can tolerate for about a minute. Now, don’t go judging me. They accept all that as part of my…charm? I just can’t rustle up the muscles to smile and nod.
Too much work.
What about my writing rituals, you ask? I must have music to write. If there’s no music around, I can’t write. Simple as that. I must have an iced caramel latte at my elbow. I said ICED…and make sure I see whipped cream on that. I can’t write a single word with people around. Exactly why you won’t see Av up in a coffee shop tapping away at them keys. I need privacy. And silence…except for the whole music thing.
I’d go on to list my many eccentricities, but it appears to me I might be scaring you off. Can’t have that, so I’ll bow out with the blurb for my  upcoming release with Evernight Publishing.
FAR FROM THE USUAL~ Coming March 15 from Evernight Pub
He’s her ex’s brother, yet Arden Windham aches to be in Cam Mercer’s arms. The man is rude and obnoxious, his blue eyes cold and unfeeling, but he makes her body melt. Being with ex-con Cam is nowhere in her plans, not if she wants the affection she’s worked so hard to gain from her overbearing father. Still, Cam’s touch is unlike anything she’s ever felt and Arden finds herself having to choose between her wants and her needs.
Cameron Mercer is his family’s black sheep, a man apart. For six months he watched Arden waste her time with his twin and now she’s free, he’s not waiting another minute. He’s on a campaign to get her off the tight rope she’s been walking. There’s a rebel behind that smooth façade and he’s on a mission to set Arden free. Too bad she insists on putting up a fight.

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